On Wednesday 29 May 2024, the we hosted a workshop on “Financial Planning and Project Implementation in the Horizon Europe Programme”. The event aimed to deepen the understanding of the financial aspects of this important European programme for research and innovation. The workshop was led by Mag. Darija Valančič, expert from the Direktorat za znanost (“Directorate for Science”).

The workshop started with an address by the Dean of our faculty, professor dr. Matej Makarovič, who presented our research and development work to the representatives of the various institutions present. He stressed that strengthening this area is one of the strategic plans of our faculty, and that our goal is to consolidate the many synergies between stakeholders at both national and international level. In fact, our Faculty is extremely efficient in obtaining projects, with an almost 30% success rate in applying for projects.

The workshop was then taken over by Mag. Darija Valančič, who gave the participants direct answers and advice on concrete examples from their side. There was also ample opportunity for discussion among all participants. In the end, they considered the event a great success, as it gave them a deeper understanding of financial programming in Horizon Europe and provided them with an opportunity to network and strengthen cooperation between researchers and experts from project offices at local and national level.

Participants also expressed their satisfaction with the organisation and content of the workshop, and said they were looking forward to further related training events on European projects and funding. To this end, a follow-up workshop with even more in-depth content will be organised in the autumn.

The workshop on financial planning in Horizon Europe is yet another demonstration of our faculty’s commitment to fostering professional development and successful management of research projects, which is crucial for progress and innovation in Slovenia and the wider European area.

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