On Saturday, 28 October 2023, the FIŠ Student Council organised a march to Trdinov vrh, which was attended by both students and teachers together with the Dean, Prof. Dr. Matej Makarovič.

This hike, organised by the FIŠ Student Council, marked the beginning of preparations for a two-day trip to Triglav, which the students are planning in August 2024. This climb will be regularly prepared for through the “One Peak a Month” campaign, and all students and lecturers and tutors are invited to participate. It is the wish of the Student Council to connect FIŠ students and staff in this way and to mitigate the effects of a sedentary lifestyle through physical activity in nature.

The next march is scheduled for 3 December 2023, to Kriška Gora. More information will follow soon. You are cordially invited!

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